About us

The School of Pharmacy

(Institute of Pharmaceutical Research)

The School of Pharmacy (Institute of Pharmaceutical Research) is a fusion institution integrating science and education, formed through the consolidation of the original School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Institute of Pharmaceutical Research) with the School of Pharmacy at Shandong First Medical University (Shandong Provincial Academy of Medical Sciences). It has been established as the new School of Pharmacy (Institute of Pharmaceutical Research) while retaining its independent legal entity status, operating under a "school-institute integration" management model.

The school offers a master's degree program in pharmacy and 1 category for master's degree cultivation in pharmacy. In the 2023 Best Subjects Ranking of Chinese Universities by Soft Science, the pharmacy program was rated as B+. Key contributors in pharmacology and toxicology, chemistry, neuroscience, and behavioral sciences have entered the top 1% in the ESI global rankings. Currently, there are 6 undergraduate majors, including 1 national characteristic major, 3 provincial first-class undergraduate major construction points, 1 provincial characteristic major, 4 provincial high-level applied construction majors (groups), 1 provincial experimental teaching demonstration center, 1 provincial characteristic key discipline, and 2 provincial key disciplines in medicine and health.

The school comprises 10 basic teaching institutions and 7 research institutions, with 119 in-service staff and 28 high-level talents under pre-employment contracts. Among them, there are 96 full-time teachers, with 85% holding a doctoral degree and 65% of young teachers aged 45 and below.

In terms of talent titles at the provincial level and above, the school boasts 1 overseas high-level talent recognized by the State Council, 1 young talent supported by the China Association for Science and Technology, 2 Taishan Scholars distinguished experts, 2 outstanding young talents in Shandong Province, and 6 young Taishan Scholars experts. There are also 2 Taishan Scholar-Overseas Distinguished Expert positions, 2 innovation teams of young teachers in Shandong Province, and 1 provincial teaching team, forming a teaching and research team with distinctive features centered around leading talents in the field of pharmaceutical research. The school currently has 2710 undergraduate students, 210 postgraduate students, and 12 postdoctoral researchers.

Recognized as a "provincial civilized unit" and the supporting unit of the Shandong Provincial Toxicology Society, the school has continuously received the title of outstanding performance in the annual performance assessment of provincial public institutions and the title of advanced unit in the university-level assessment. As an important part of the national key laboratory for advanced drug delivery systems and the National Health Commission's key laboratory for biotechnology drugs, the school has over ten provincial research platforms and technology centers, including a national technology transfer demonstration institution, a GLP laboratory for drug safety assessment, and a Shandong Province higher education-industry collaborative innovation center, along with large high-end instruments such as an 800M ultra-low temperature nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, and a two-photon confocal microscope.

In the past 5 years, the school has received 20 National Natural Science Foundation projects, published 297 SCI papers, and obtained 95 authorized patents. It has won 2 provincial gold awards, 2 provincial silver awards, and 3 provincial bronze awards in the national university student innovation and entrepreneurship competition ("Internet+"). The transformation of achievements has brought in funds amounting to 60 million RMB, and the school has contributed to over 90 textbooks.

In pursuit of the grand mission of "Shandong First Pharmaceutical," the School of Pharmacy (Institute of Pharmaceutical Research) will advance with the times, standing at the starting point of a new era and a new journey, focusing on first-class discipline construction to promote continuous connotative development.